Peace and Freedom I

Teilnehmer:innen der VIG YouthDays 2022 – Peace Event haben einen Podcast zum Thema Frieden anhand von bekannten Friedenszitaten gestaltet.



For the second time, Wiener Städtische Wechselseitiger Versicherungsverein – main shareholder of the VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP AG (VIG) – and the European Youth Forum Neumarkt (EYFON) invite young Europeans to spend an exciting week at the Europaburg Neumarkt this year. A varied program, unforgettable moments and exchange between young people from different nations are the ideas behind the EYFON | VIG YouthDays. “Peace and Freedom” will be the main topic of the event. Young Europeans aged between 14 and 17 years are invited to develop their own ideas about Europe during this seminar week. The EYFON team and external speakers from relevant institutions enter discussions with the seminar participants and are available with their specialist knowledge. A selected leisure program will strengthen team building and ensure conviviality and relaxation.


Schule: EYFON
Verfasser: -
Altersgruppe: 14-18 Jahre
Thema: Peace
Produktionsjahr: 2008
Workshoprahmen: Gib Europa (d)eine Stimme
Abspieldauer: -
Jugendziel(e): Inklusive Gesellschaften
Schlagwort(e): Friede Zukunft Zusammenleben